As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the world, we want to re-affirm our commitment to the health, safety and well-being of all our Staff in the first instance and to provide an uninterrupted delivery of our work to our Clients.
We monitor the situation regularly and have done since the start of the outbreak and have implemented measured to minimise disruption to our business and to ensure our collective safety and wellbeing, which is paramount. All of us continue to play an active role as we respond and recover from this global pandemic.
Here are just a few of the steps we have taken in response:
- Home Working: Staff have been encouraged to work from home during the peak periods of the pandemic, only returning to the Office following expert advice and Government guidelines to confirm it is safe to do so.
- Digital Infrastructure: To ensure that our Staff can deliver and support our Clients without interruption, we have invested heavily and introduced extensive digital infrastructure throughout the business. This now provides us with a seamless ability to work remotely.
Business Travel: For the safety of our Staff, we have suspended all non-essential business related travel. The exception to this, travelling to undertake site visits, which are subject to improved H&S and Covid-19 security measures, completed in compliance with Public Health England directives, and in a manner that protects the Health and Safety of our Staff.
Social Distancing: Where we do have Staff in the Office or at Client sites, we are minimising face-to-face meetings and limiting participation to no more than 6 individuals (or as per local guidance), encouraging social distancing, and using our video conferencing and other digital collaboration tools wherever possible.

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